MCQ 507 Nios DElEd Download in English,Hindi
So without wasting any Time let us start our MCQ (Series:01) of course 507 here-
1. School is a part of
(A) organization
(B) administration
(C) society
(D) country
2. The PLA technique is:-
(A) participatory learning and action technique
(B) participatory learning activities technique
(C) planning learning activities technique
(D) planning learning action technique
3. The skill of empathy is a type of:-
(A) thinking skill
(B) emotional skill
(C) social skill
(D) None of the above
4. Which of the following has been formed to involve community in school
education under SSA?
(A) Village Education Committee
(B) Village Education Colony
(C) Village Education Company
(D) Village Education Council.
5. As a teacher, how will you use education for socialization of your students?
(A) By using socio-cultural examples in teaching-learning process
(B) By providing opportunity to the students to work in groups
(C) By sharing examples of value system of the society (D) All of the above
6. CCE represents:-
(A) Continuous and Complete Evaluation
(B) Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation
(C) Continuous and Complete Education
(D) Continuous and Comprehensive Education
7. Easy-going leadership means:-
(A) let the people work without any direction
(B) the leadership is undemanding
(C) loose and unstructured behaviour of the leader
(D) All of the above
8. An important characteristic of a teacher is :-
(A) good looks
(C) good leadership skill
(D) good interpersonal relationship
9. DISE represents:-
(A) District Institute of School Education
(B) District Information System of Education
(C) District Institute of Science Education
(D) District Inspector of School Education
10. What type of leadership function is needed for a teacher to develop values
among the students and community?
(A) Moral function
(B) Instructional function
(C) Transformational function
(D) Participative function
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